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System of assurance 

Trust and transparency are at the core of Proba's System of Assurance. Our Supply Chain Decarbonization Platform ensures traceability from on-the-ground sustainability efforts to the lifespan of carbon credits. 

Our assurance standards 

Our system of assurance is built on a foundation of internationally recognized standards, ensuring our platform's credibility and reliability:

  • ISO 14064 - Greenhouse GasesThis standard is integral to our platform as it provides the framework for quantifying, monitoring, reporting and verifying greenhouse gas emissions and removals. By adhering to ISO 14064, we ensure that the carbon reduction, removal and avoidance efforts and the resulting carbon credits generated through Proba are accurate, consistent, transparent, and in line with international best practices.

  • ISO 22095 - Chain of Custody: A framework that standardizes chain of custody implementation, defines protected characteristics, imposes requirements on commercial parties, and outlines different models for supply chain actors

  • ICROA and ICVCM: At Proba, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards for Impact Units. Our stringent quality criteria guarantee that each credit represents a genuine and verifiable reduction or removal of CO2e. The ICROA Code of Best Practice and the Core Carbon Principles of the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market serve as independent governing bodies for the voluntary carbon market. 

Our supporters

Proba is supported by amazing people and organizations taking an early bet on our mission to help accelerating the decarbonization of supply chains, by turning climate actions into tradable carbon credits.