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Bio-based materials
for sustainable construction: 

A path to greener buildings. Get your efforts co-financed with inset credits, while aligning with SBTi guidelines.

Decarbonize supply chains now

The total amount of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the building sector reached 12 GtCO2-eq in 2019, equivalent to 21% of global GHG emissions that year, of which 57% were indirect CO2 emissions from offsite generation of electricity and heat. Followed by 24% of direct CO2 emissions produced on-site and 18% from the production of cement and steel used for construction and/or refurbishment of buildings. As reported by the IPCC.

The utilization of bio-based materials in construction is a vital component in the reduction of GHG emissions. Traditional building materials such as concrete and steel have significant carbon footprints due to their energy-intensive production processes. Conversely, bio-based materials, such as timber, bamboo and hemp offer a renewable alternative that captures and stores carbon throughout their lifecycle.

Circular graphic with a construction worker on a wood house frame.

Avoid complexity of tracing the whole Supply Chain

  • Using timber instead of traditional materials like steel and concrete can lower embodied carbon in buildings by up to 75%.
  • Bamboo, with its quick growth and high carbon absorption, can cut nearly 250 kg of CO2 per cubic meter used in construction.
  • Hempcrete, made from hemp fibers and lime, provides excellent insulation and carbon storage, potentially sequestering more than 22 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year.
  • Mycelium, derived from fungi, offers a sustainable alternative for insulation and structural elements, with notable fire resistance and thermal and acoustic insulation properties.
In your supply chain, we make the voluntary carbon market work for you.

Proba’s supply chain decarbonization platform enables you to monetize your commitment to sustainable construction practices. By integrating bio-based materials into your projects, you can generate carbon credits, which represent a quantifiable measure of reduced GHG emissions. These credits can be traded within your supply chain, positioning your firm as a leader in the sustainable building space.

Proba’s platform facilitates identification and engagement with interested parties in your supply chain. This not only assists in reducing the Scope 3 emissions of your supply chain partners but also opens new revenue streams for your business.

Benefits of using Proba

Generate revenue

By selling inset credits to your supply chain participants, you can generate revenue from your sustainability investments.

Reduce complexity

Our decoupled approach eliminates the need for complex supply chain tracking, making it easier toclaim emission reductions.

Comply with SBTi

We work with you to ensure alignment with SBTi guidelines, providing credibility and legitimacy to your sustainability efforts.

Lift your brand

Show your dedication to SBTi standards and emissions reduction with inset credits, enhancing your brand reputation.