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Document library

We strive for transparency in all aspects of our operations. Our document library covers not only legal, compliance, and privacy processes, but also our GHG Standard, methodology development, Validation and Verification Body (VVB) procedures, and GHG Project Design guidelines. Here, we outline our shared responsibilities and our commitments to supporting your use of Proba Services across these critical areas.

Standard and Governance

The Proba Standard

TOR Proba Standard Advisory Board

TOR Proba Technical Committee

Code of Conduct


Complaints Procedure

Proba Standard Quality and Governance

Project Design

POD Template


Code of Conduct - Project developers and carbon credit buyers


Onboarding form

Know Your Customer (KYC) Policy


Validation and Verification

Application form for Validation and Verification Body (VVB)


Project Validation Report template


Project Verification Report template


Code of conduct for Validation and Verification Body (VVB)


Proba Approved List of VVBs


Methodology development

Methodology Approval and Development Process


Expert Review template