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Scope 3 Emissions

Typically Scope 3 emissions represent approximately 80% of an organization’s emissions, this is applicable across all supply chains.

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Driving Scope 3 decarbonisation: empowering sustainability leaders with verified Carbon Credits

Scope 3 emissions, which occur outside of your company's direct operations, often represent the majority of a company's carbon footprint. These emissions stem from activities not directly controlled by an organization but integral to its operation, such as those generated in the supply chain, during product use, and through waste disposal. Addressing these emissions is a key part of any comprehensive sustainability strategy.

As a Sustainability Leader, your role is pivotal in reducing Scope 3 emissions. At Proba, we ensure your efforts don't go unnoticed. Our user-friendly platform, aligned with international standards like the GHG Protocol, SBTi, and ISO 14064, transforms your actions into verifiable carbon credits. With Proba, your commitment to the environment is recognized, rewarded, and inspires others to follow suit.

For reporting companies, Proba's platform gives you access to credible, tradable carbon credits from your supply chain partners. This allows you to confidently demonstrate Scope 3 emission reductions to customers, auditors, and regulators. 

Are you ready to make a bigger impact in the fight against climate change? Reach out to us today to discover how Proba can assist you in your mission to reduce Scope 3 emissions.