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Proba, newest member of the International Platform for Insetting (IPI)

Proba is proud to announce its membership with the International Platform for Insetting (IPI), an organization dedicated to driving climate action within global value chains. This partnership aligns perfectly with our mission to help accelerate the journey toward greener supply chains.

What is IPI?

The International Platform for Insetting (IPI) is a collaborative membership organization for businesses implementing insetting projects that achieve positive impacts for the environment and communities along their value chains. They aim to activate the implementation of insetting projects through facilitating a knowledge exchange between experts, practitioners and pioneers.

Some of their members are Nestlé, Chanel, Migros, Burberry, IDH, SouthPole, Kering and Anthesis.

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Graphic illustrating concept of insetting for farmers

What is Insetting?

Insetting is a transformative approach where companies integrate climate and biodiversity solutions directly into their supply chains. Unlike offsetting, which often involves external projects, insetting focuses on creating positive environmental impacts within the operational sphere of the business and opportunities to reduce Scope 3 emissions in a compliant way. 

What will our IPI membership mean for Proba 

By joining IPI, we will:

  • Expand our expertise: IPI has many resources and best practices to deepen our understanding of insetting and its application in different industries.
  • Collaboration with like minded professionals: we look forward to working  together with a network of like-minded organizations committed to climate action and sustainability.
  • Enhance project impact: Strengthen our methodologies for assessing, verifying and claiming GHG benefits that result from GHG projects, ensuring they align with international standards and best practices.
For more information about the International Platform for Insetting and its initiatives, please visit their website.