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Green Hydrogen in Fertilizer Manufacturing

Written by Proba | May 8, 2024 8:40:58 AM

How does green hydrogen impact fertilizer manufacturing?

Green Hydrogen in Ammonia Production
In traditional ammonia production, hydrogen is obtained through steam methane reforming (SMR),a carbon-intensive process that releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide. With green hydrogen, this step becomes entirely emissions-free. Electrolysis, powered by renewable energy, generates the hydrogen needed for the Haber-Bosch process, while nitrogen continues to be sourced directly from the air.

Reducing Carbon Footprint
By using green hydrogen, the carbon footprint of fertilizer manufacturing decreases dramatically. The production of each tonne of ammonia using traditional methods releases roughly 1.6 tonnes of CO₂. Green hydrogen-based ammonia eliminates these emissions from hydrogen production, contributing to a significant reduction in the overall carbon footprint.

Transitioning to Sustainable Agriculture
The use of fertilizers with a lower carbon footprint aligns with sustainable agriculture practices. Farmers and agribusinesses increasingly seek products with a smaller environmental impact. Green hydrogen-based fertilizers contribute to this demand, enabling a more eco-friendly approach to crop production.

What are the challenges of using/integrating green hydrogren in fertilizer manufacturing?

Despite its potential, integrating green hydrogen into fertilizer manufacturing poses several challenges. Let's explore these obstacles and the solutions being implemented:

Cost and Infrastructure
The cost of green hydrogen production remains higher than that of gray hydrogen, primarily due to the expense of renewable energy infrastructure and electrolysis technology. However, advancements in electrolyzer efficiency and large-scale renewable energy projects are driving costs down. Industries are investing in green hydrogen infrastructure, recognizing its long-term sustainability benefits.

Scaling Green Hydrogen Production

To meet the demands of fertilizer manufacturing, green hydrogen production must scale significantly. This requires substantial investment in renewable energy capacity and electrolyzer facilities. Companies are exploring various business models, including partnerships with renewable energy providers, to ensure a steady supply of green hydrogen.

Compatibility with Existing Processes

Transitioning from gray to green hydrogen in ammonia production requires modifications to existing infrastructure. Companies are investing in research to ensure that the use of green hydrogen does not impact the efficiency or safety of the Haber-Bosch process. Innovations in reactor design and materials are helping overcome these challenges, facilitating a seamless transition.

What are Impact Units and how do they help?

Unlike carbon credits, which are typically used for offsetting emissions by supporting external projects, Impact Units are used for insetting. Impact Units track and verify greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions or removals within a company's value chain and can be used for accurate Scope 3 emissions reporting.

Impact Units play a significant role in addressing the challenge of adopting green hydrogen in fertilizer production. They provide a financial incentive for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating a revenue stream that can offset the high costs of green hydrogen production and infrastructure.

For every tonne of CO2e that is successfully reduced or avoided, project developers issue one Impact Unit. These Impact Units can then be purchased by downstream supply chain actors. By monetizing their carbon reductions, fertilizer manufacturers can secure additional funding to scale green hydrogen production, invest in renewable energy projects, and innovate in existing processes to ensure compatibility. This financial support can accelerate the adoption of green hydrogen in fertilizer manufacturing, aligning with broader sustainability goals and supporting a greener future.

What is the future of fertilizer manufacturing with green hydrogen?

The adoption of green hydrogen in fertilizer manufacturing is one of the essential innovations for sustainable agriculture. As industries and governments prioritize carbon reduction and sustainable practices, green hydrogen offers a viable solution to decarbonize the fertilizer sector.

Investments in technology, infrastructure, and renewable energy sources are driving the transition. Collaborations between stakeholders, including governments, industries, and research institutions, play a pivotal role in accelerating this shift. 

As green hydrogen becomes more accessible and cost-effective, its role in fertilizer manufacturing will expand, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious agricultural sector. Impact Units can be a pivotal tool to support this innovation direction and help develop and scale more sustainable fertilizers for our farmers.